Never Look Away!

Never Look Away!

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Animal Totem

Certificate: Test results
What Totem Animal Are You?
For 37 % you are: You are...AN EAGLE! You're serious, concentrated, calculating, and judging. You are a natural born leader, and can be compassionate towards close friends. You may come off rather bossy to some.
13.0499 % of 213886 Quiz participants had this profile!

You could also get this result:
For 37 % you are: You are...A WOLF! Your utmost priority is leadership and kindness. You make friends easily and steadily, learn quickly, and care about others, hurting as much as they do when they're having a hard time.

Or even this one:
For 26 % you are: You are...A DEER! You're artistic, creative, very compassionate, gentle, and kind. You like to delve into very complicated artistic activities such as drawing, sketching, or playing music. You're always there when a friend needs you.

Or even this one:
For 0 % you are: You are...A BEAR! You're laid back, rather easygoing, and compassionate. You are rather unorganized, like to eat, and may be overweight. You cry over trivial matters, often, but are also there when a friend needs a laugh.
Take this quiz: What Totem Animal Are You?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hetalia High

Would you make it in Hetalia High?
Your Result: Eh, maybe...
There's a good possibility you would survive this school, but you might want to brush up on your social skills, and if that's not the issue maybe you're lacking in an academic class? (Gym perhaps? I know that's where my problems are, what with Germany as the drill instructor-er... Coach.) ^^
Not a chance.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So Tired...... -,-'

Ever think, “Gee, what am I doing in my life? What do I have to look forward to?”

What I Look Like
Right Now
Well, I have. Many times these past few weeks… mostly because I've found that the only thing that I've truly been looking forward to each day is my walk every evening. Some would say that makes perfect sense.

“You’re outside; in the wind and the elements,” they would say, “What’s not to look forward to? Plus you’re getting exercise while you’re at it!”

Wanna know what I think about that? Well, I think its crap! I mean, I have a loving family, my cats, and a nice home to live for and look forward to seeing, but do I? No; in fact, at this point, I feel completely apathetic about all those things – or as close to apathetic as I can get without actually being that way. Perhaps I’m just tired… hopefully I’m just tired. Sleepy tired, not the “tired of life” tired.

I put on a “show” for my family each day. Smile when expected, talk when wanted to, but truly, I feel as though everything has gone “blah.” I don’t want my family to worry, but they do need to know how I’m feeling, which is why I’m doing this blog entry… I’m even going to print it up so that whoever wants to read it can.

Anyway, recently I've taken to walking, as I’d said before, but not simply walking. I've unfortunately taken to walking until my chest hurts, and even then I don’t want to stop. Walking provides me a release from all the problems I have locked up inside of me, the ones that not even I can reach. I put my headphones in, turn on my music, and start walking. It calms me, wakes me up, and allows me time to relax away from all of life’s “items,” or rather problems as I really should say.

Also, at the beginning of my summer break, I started my book and planned to work on it during the summer, but… well, I’m in a bind. I can’t think of anything, or rather, I can’t put anything down on paper. Maybe that is why I’m so tired… I’m exhausted from fighting myself!

Well, that’s all I have to write about…

Hasta-la-pasta! ^J^

Friday, March 29, 2013

There's a First Time Every Time!

Hey! This is Julie! I'm completely ready to start this. Although, I’m definitely going to start by saying that I tend to go off topic a bit, but it usually has something to do with what I’m talking about. 

Like if I was talking about chocolate, and I’m thinking up all the kinds of chocolate desserts there are, I might go off on a tangent because I suddenly remembered something that happened with that dessert. Like with chocolate mousse; I’m not allowed to get it anymore (>,<) because every time I got it, I would eat it all that day and end up getting yelled at by my mom (lol, no more colors - srzy!), but hey – I’m a foodie and I can’t help but love food. Especially chocolate, which makes sense, since (A/N: lol, sense – since) this one time I had a “random facts” app on my iPod and one time it brought up the fact that chemically, chocolate is no different than an orgasm. Weird, huh? Chocolate’s taste can literally be described as “orgasmic.” That’s probably why we women love it so much! XD
See? Off tangent, but you still learn something interesting. By the way, “A/N” means author’s notes (if you don’t know already). Since this is my first post, I’m probably not going to go into any big deal types of things, but if you ever want to hear my opinion on anything, go right ahead and message me. I don’t mind, and don’t worry about me getting it either, because I check my email every day. I’m that type of person, yeah. I don’t want to end up missing anything important, or end up with like a thousand emails in my inbox, making it too hard to find anything. Heh… just like my mom’s email. This reminds me, I need to organize it.

Hasta-la-pasta! ^J^